Abby: A human woman, and bartender at P3, that developed a fixation with Prue Halliwell. She was able to capture Prue by blinding her, but proved no match for the sister’s magickal abilities.

Abby becomes dangerous    Abby dresses as Prue

Abraxas: A demon of the astral plane that succeeded in stealing the Book Of Shadows from the attic. He displayed the ability to open portals between the astral plane and the earthly plane, “demonise” the spells in the Book Of Shadows by reading them backwards and erasing them, transport beings from the astral plane to the physical plane, and emit force blasts.
The Charmed Ones vanquished Abraxas by drawing him to a place of power and harnessing the energy of the equinox by reciting the words to the incantation to unbind their powers.

Abraxas    The Charmed Ones open an astral window

Piper blasts the forcefieldAcademy, The: Guarded by charms which hid it from those not specifically seeking it and warned of an intruders approach, The Academy was a demonic outpost in the mortal realm run by Ludlow. The Academy boasted doors capable of becoming immaterial as well as an incredibly powerful forcefield capable of repelling physical strikes, energy balls, and even a hasty spell cast by The Charmed Ones.

Door unlock,
No magick block

The forcefield completely sealed The Academy, even against entry by orbing. Only repeated strikes by Piper Halliwell’s particle acceleration ability were able to eventually breach it.

Adjusting: Molecular motion within a body so strong that it cannot be contained by particle stasis. This is a common occurrence among higher-level demons, and occasionally, Warlocks.
Depending on the strength of the demon a freeze might have no effect, may slow them momentarily, or might even hold them in stasis for a short time before their bodies adjust enough to allow them to break free. In certain cases a demonic being may be vulnerable to freezing several times before this power can function effectively.

Agnes, Sister: Patty Halliwell and the Whitelighter Sam charged this nun with the task of finding a home for their baby. Their only request was that she be named with a P, and that when the baby eventually came to ask she would be told the reasons why she was given up.

Akashic Records: A detailed account of all the events in history, including those that will happen in the future. The Warlocks known as the Collectors coveted the Akashic Records, and the ultimate knowledge they would provide, as it would make them unstoppable.

Alchemists: Supernatural beings with the ability to transmute anything: “water to gold, energy to matter”. This ability gives alchemists several abilities: they can create life essences, track them, and even raise the dead.
For more information on an Alchemist see: Kierkan.

Alec: A Darklighter who fell in love with a human woman, Daisy. She rejected him when she found out what he was. The Charmed Ones vanquished him after he tried to kill Leo and Daisy.

Alistair: The Source assigned this chameleon demon to infiltrate the Halliwell manor and gather information on the sisters. The Source vanquished him after he was exposed by The Charmed Ones, assuming his form to lure them into a trap.

Altman, Gail: A member of Grams Halliwell’s coven who knew of the existence of the Charmed Ones. She was a Witch who did not possess any special powers, but was able to cast spells. To stop herself from dying of a disease she summoned the demon Cryto and made a bargain with him for youth and beauty. The deal backfired and Cryto killed her.

Gail Altman    Young Gail

Amulet Of Deflection: A magickal amulet capable of protecting the wearer from all magickal powers and spells. The Warlock Anton gave it to his Witch lover in the 1920’s, but it later came into the possession of the Charmed Ones.

The protective amulet

Amulets in the Book Of ShadowsAmulet Of Protection: A powerful magickal amulet that could be wielded only by the forces of good. The amulet had the power to make its wearer invincible and, because of this, was split into two halves to stop it falling into the wrongs hands.
The two halves were distributed to two San Francisco covens, and each half was capable of protecting its wearer in two ways: by projecting energy shields capable of stopping even energy balls, and by striking evil beings with magickal force. In addition the amulet, and it’s halves, warded off all forms of magick, white or black. No spells could affect a wearer of an amulet, with even passive magicks such as scrying being deflected.
The Activation Spell in the Book Of Shadows was the only thing capable of rejoining the two halves of the amulet, and unleashing their full power.
Only the strongest of demons, such as Belthazor, were able to overcome a halves protection and take it from a wearer. Half of the amulet was captured by evil, and presumably destroyed, while The Charmed Ones retained the second half.

An Ling: Daughter of a wisended Zen Master and adept in the ways of Zen and martial arts. After her father passed on through reincarnation An Ling took on his mantle as Master.

An Ling    An Ling

Anarchy, Demon Of: Little is known of this demon. The Book Of Shadows indicates he is quite easy to dispose of, requiring only a potion and a basic chant to vanquish:

Sower of discord,
Your works now must cease,
I vanquish thee now,
With these words of peace

Having mistaken one of the Four Horsemen for the Demon Of Anarchy, the combination of The Charmed Ones casting this spell, and the Horsemen’s magick was able to send to Prue and a Horseman to a parallel plane.
Reversing the spells, and the casters positions in the pentagram, was able to re-open the vortex and rescue Prue and War from the parallel plane. The words to the reversal were:

Sower of discord,
Your help we implore,
I summon thee now,
With these words of truce

The demon AndrasAndras: The Spirit of Rage. Andras tossed balls of black and red energy at his victims, turning their anger into rage, which was only abated when they committed a grievous act of violence. Andras boasted that using this power he had turned nations against each other, started wars, and caused riots.
Andras' entry in the Book Of ShadowsA weakness of Andras’ abilities was that his victims needed to be angry, or his power would not affect them.
Andras also displayed the power to teleport and to possess an angry victim. When possessing a victim his form became immaterial and was absorbed into their body; once the possession was over, and he left his host, his form became solid again.
The demon Belthazor vanquished Andras with an energy ball. It is not known what other ways, if any, there are to vanquish him.

Andras appeared as a human male.

Andrea: Assistant to Inspector Davidson. Her assignment to trail the Halliwell’s led to her death at the hands of seekers.

Animal Men: A snake, rabbit, and pig that were transformed into men by a spell. They were fully human at first but later developed animal traits as the spell began to wear off. The snake-manFor example the snake regained a long tongue, sharp teeth, and an ability to poison people. Though the animals were transformed into men they still retained animalistic characteristics in their personalities.
The rabbit and snake men killed their pig companion, then blackmailed Phoebe Halliwell into making them real men permanently. The Charmed Ones made sure Inspector Morris captured the animal men and sent them to jail for life.

AntonAnton: A powerful Warlock existing since at least the beginning of the 1900’s. Anton was immortal and held three powers: glamouring, adjusting, and great strength. He also possessed a great knowledge of magick, fashioning a potion to triple the flamethrowing power of his lover and soulmate, P. Russell, and obtaining an amulet capable Anton and P. Russellof deflecting all magicks.
In 1924 Anton seduced P. Russell, a Witch, and turned her against her cousins. The two tried to kill them, but failed, and instead it was the cousins who cursed and killed Russell.
Anton also attempted to switch the souls of Russell and her future incarnation, Phoebe Halliwell, but was seemingly vanquished by The Charmed Ones. Whether he has really been destroyed remains to be seen.

Apocalypse, The: The destruction of the world, leading to its end. The Four Horsemen are charged with bringing about this day.

Apples: The fruit of knowledge and an important ingredient in old magick. An apple holds a pentagram in its’ heart. By slicing it in two and adding a laurel leaf one can block the path of evil.

Astral Plane: A purely mental plane that co-exists within our own plane. The demon Abraxas existed here.

Astral Projection: Psychic projection of ones consciousness. There are two distinct versions of this ability displayed by magickal beings.
When telepathically astral projecting ones mind inhabits an invisible and intangible astral body, undetectable in the physical world yet able to observe it. The Warlock known as Rex Buckland possessed this power and was able to use it to instantly transport his mind anywhere he wished, while still retaining use of his telepathic abilities.
Conversely telekinetic astral projection, as displayed by Prue Halliwell, involves the transportation of the mind into a solid and visible psychic body, completely detectable on the physical plane and able to interact with it. While projecting Prue’s astral form did not retain her telekinetic abilities.
Astral forms can be summoned using a spell from The Book Of Shadows, as Phoebe Halliwell demonstrated on Prue’s wayward astral self.

Prue discovers her power to astral project    Prue's astral body

Astral Prue & T.J.Astral Prue: A splinter of Prue Halliwell’s subconscious mind that used her astral form to break free. At first it was only able to manifest when the real Prue was sleeping, but later was able to force its way free, rendering Prue unconscious.
Astral Prue was more uninhibited and wilder than the normal Prue, and sought a life free of obligations. She was Prue’s ‘Id’, or desires, given form, and was only integrated back into the real Prue when Phoebe Halliwell convinced her that she was Prue.

This event gave Prue the push she needed to help her form a more balanced life, and stop her focusing all her energies on The Charmed Ones.

Atheme: Double-bladed, ceremonial, knives with supernatural properties. A strike from a magickally charged atheme is often enough to vanquish even a very strong demon. Athemes can even be used to direct magickal energy. The Warlock Jeremy wielded power through an Atheme, as have several other supernatural beings.

Cole Turner's Atheme

Attic: The room atop Halliwell Manor that houses the Book Of Shadows.

Attract a Lover, How To: A spell to attract people to oneself, making them believe they are in love with you. At first this spell is quite successful, but as it continues it begins to attract everyone and his or her love becomes dangerously obsessive. People under the influence of a love spell can even become violent towards the object of their affection.
The casting of the spell required that one write the qualities they desired in a lover on a piece of paper. These lists were then placed in a bag and put in a pot with other ingredients, such as kian pepper. The following spell then needed to be cast over the pot:

I conjure thee, I conjure thee,
I’m the queen, you’re the bee,
As I desire,
So shall it be!

The only way to end the spell is to reverse it, erasing the memories of the spells events from the minds of everyone but the individuals who cast it. The method of reversing the spell is not known.
If the caster is a man seeking a woman the procedure for the spell is different, and involves keeping a piece of honey cake under a sweaty armpit for days.

Auras: Energy fields that surround all people. Grimlocks are able to see these auras by stealing the sight of children. Each person’s auras are different and Grimlocks are especially attracted to the unique aura’s that surround the good.

Piper Halliwell's aura

Ava: A midwife and Witch who lived in the 1670’s. Her coven was responsible for casting spells to prepare the way for the time traveling Charmed Ones.
Though she had no special magickal power she was quite adept and spells and rituals, and was able to teach the Halliwells how to tap into older magick.

Ava    Ava, Prue and Phoebe

Aviva: A lonely and confused mortal girl granted powers by the demon Kali, whom she believed to be a good spirit. Aviva’s borrowed ability was pyrokinesis and she was able to use it to project heat, ignite flame, or throw fireballs from her hands.
When Kali was vanquished Aviva lost her powers, but while in possession of them was immune to particle stasis as true good Witches are.

Aviva possessed by Kali

Awakening Spell: Prue and Phoebe Halliwell cast this spell for personal gain to save Piper from Aroya fever. As a consequence the sisters could not sleep, and a poppet that the sisters used in the spell was animated and began spreading the disease.
The spell involved taking a poppet, covered in the person’s blood, and placing it upon them. You must then say the words:

Troubled blood, with sleeps unease,
Remove the cause of this disease,
Sleep eternal nevermore,
Shift this source of illness borne,
To this poppet, whom none shall mourn

Prue and Phoebe later reversed the spell because of the consequences it had. To do this they had to recite the words:

What was awakened from its sleep,
Must once again slumber deep,
Return the disease to whence it came,
So life can ease back to the same

The Reverse Awakening spell

Curiously Prue and Phoebe were only heard to cast the first two lines of the reversal spell, yet it was still effective.