Zen Master, The: Elderly teacher to both his daughter An Ling, and the evil Yen Lo. The Zen Master was unparalleled in the practice of his mystic arts.
After a confrontation with Yen Lo, in which he sustained a mortal wound, he chose to be reincarnated in keeping with the natural order rather than be healed by Leo.

The Zen Master

Zen Masters: Adepts of a mystic discipline, Zen Masters follow the beliefs of reincarnation, and have mastered the talent of traveling to Limbo. For a Zen Master water can be a portal between limbo and earth, or a means of looking upon other realms and places.
Zen Masters are skilled in their own martial art, a technique made all the more deadly by their enhanced reflexes and strength.

Zion: A shapeshifting, blinking, Warlock. He was intent on making Prue Halliwell his wife to further his evil powers, and teamed with the Dark Priestess Dantalion to make this a reality. Zion was vanquished in a confrontation with an evil Phoebe and Piper Halliwell.

Zotars: See: Demonic Bounty Hunters.