Daisy: The one time love of a Darklighter. Daisy does not know it but she is one day destined to become a Whitelighter. She was almost killed by the Darklighter Alec, but the sisters saved her.

Dantalion: High Priestess Dantalion was a high-ranking evil dignitary with the dangerous ability to shield her activities from the forces of good. She possessed great magickal skill and power, as well as the ability to teleport.
For a short time she was able to steal and wield the Halliwell Book Of Shadows, but the sisters were able to break the Unholy Union she had created between Prue and Zion, returning the book to good.
The Charmed Ones vanquished Dantalion with this spell from the Book Of Shadows:

Powers of light,
Magick of right,
Cast this blight,
Into forever’s night

Dantalion    Dantalion is vanquished

Darla: The receptionist at Fine Romance. She was a Succubus, and used True Romance as a hunting ground to find potential victims.

Dark Priests: Guardians of demonic lore and knowledge. Dark Priests are now rare in the underworld, but are the only beings capable of conducting important ceremonies such as dark weddings and the coronation of a new Source.

Dark Wedding: Marriage consecrated to evil. A dark wedding can be made between two evil parties, or can be a marriage to an evil being, guaranteeing any offspring from the union are evil themselves.
A dark priest must perform the ceremony in a cemetery at night, with the groom drinking the blood of his new bride to seal the marriage.

Darklighters: The evil counterparts to Whitelighters. Their goal is to create evil through reproduction. To do this they seduce innocent women, though they are said to be incapable of love.
Darklighters possess similar abilities to Whitelighters: they can “orb”, telepathically communicate and track people, and also alter their local molecular structures. With this ability they can create weapons from thin air, and alter their appearance. Instead of being able to heal as Whitelighters can they have the touch of death.
There is also a strain of Darklighters dedicated to destroying future Whitelighters. They are known as Spirit Killers. For more information see: Spirit Killers.

Davidson, Inspector Reece: Assigned to investigate the suspicious activities, and disappearance, of Cole Turner, Inspector Davidson’s investigations into the Halliwell’s lead to his death at the hands of seekers.

Death: See: Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, The.

Death, Angel Of: The herald of death can appear as a human male, when it chooses, and can sometimes be seen by Witches as a dark shadow following those destined to die.
The Angle is beyond the powers of Witches and demons, but serves neither good nor evil. Death is simply inevitable.
When a person dies the Angel will appear to carry their souls to the afterlife.
Though the Angel Of Death will sometimes appear to a Witch on its own, as a warning or a lesson, it can also be summoned before them. To summon the Angel recite these words:

Spirits of air, sand and sea,
Converge to set the Angel free,
In the wind I send this rhyme,
Bring death before me, before my time

The Angel of death    The Angel of death    The Angel and Prue

Death Potion: A potion that stopped the heart immediately. It was comprised of lianda, ginsen weed, bloodroot, and other ingredients. Whoever drank this potion could be revived safely using CPR, as long as they were revived within five minutes to avoid brain damage. Prue Halliwell took this potion to free her spirit from her body and recite a spell on the astral plane and was subsequently revived by Andy Trudeau.

The power of DeflectionDeflection: “A Witch’s best shield against the forces of darkness”. With this power all manner of magickal powers can be deflected, from energy attacks like fireballs to abilities such as telekinesis and particle stasis, sometimes painfully back upon the wielder. This power is channeled through the hands, manifesting as a bright blue circle of energy around them.
Witches that held this power were considered quite formidable. It was of great concern to the Whitelighter council when Eames was able to steal the ability, and all Whitelighters were put on alert as a result.

Del Huoy: When the Gates to Chinese Hell open. See: Yama.

Demon Children: A cadre of demons that appeared as mortal children. Petty and vindictive, they were vulnerable to the magick of the Ice Cream Truck.
The children possessed various abilities; one was able to superheat his body, burning whatever he touched; another was able to perform magickal feats, such as telekinesis and pyrokinesis, by blowing on her hand; while yet another wielded the power of flamethrowing.

The Demon Children scream    A Demon Child    A Demon Child    Prue & Phoebe with a demon child

Demon Dimension: The extra dimensional home of demons, ruled by The Source. It is unclear how demons move between it and the mortal plane, but many do so through teleportation powers such as shimmering. Whitelighters are also able to orb ‘down there’, while Witches have even been known to create spells capable of transporting them to the realm.

Cole and Leo in the demon dimension

Demonic Bounty HuntersDemonic Bounty Hunters: Low level demons willing to hunt any being, even their own kind, in the name of greed. They enjoy killing Witches but are principally used to track and kill fugitive demons. Demonic Bounty Hunters are also known as Zotars.
Bounty Hunters are able to cast energy balls, lightning bolts, and ray from place to place at will. Their sense of smell is particularly attuned and they have a psychic ability to detect manifestations of magick, even able to follow a demon capable of shimmering.
A bounty hunter is easily vanquished with an energy ball, pyrokinesis or particle acceleration.

Demons: Evil supernatural beings. They are quite deadly and can possess a myriad of forms and magickal powers.

Devil’s Chord: A series of notes, that when sounded together, is capable of attracting demon children. The Ice Cream Man used it to capture them, imprisoning them in a pocket dimension, for The Nothing to vanquish.

Devlin: Charismatic leader of a Warlock faction, Devlin sought to install himself as ruler of the demon dimension, deposing The Source. The Charmed Ones were able to stop him, recovering the appropriated Ring Of Inspiration, and finishing him with the Warlock Vanquishing Spell.
Despite being only a Warlock Devlin was very strong, intelligent and cunning, proving a dangerous foe. His powers included the ability to blink, great strength, glamouring, and an ability to generate intense heat from his hands. Devlin also proved resistant to particle manipulation; neither freezing nor exploding.

Devlin    Devlin

Disempower A Witch, To: A Witch may remove another Witches power by taking a human heart, wrapping it in red ribbon, and saying these words:

Before the passing of this hour,
Take away all of their powers

Tuatha cast this spell to strip the Charmed Ones of their powers. It was reversed with her death. A heart is needed for every Witch you wish to disempower.

Dispossessing Spell: See: Life Essence.

Doorway To The Past: A portal through the ethereal void capable of sending an individual through time. Clyde, the malevolent spirit, was capable of summoning it to transport his clients between the present and their past.
While open the doorway presents a conduit for ghosts from the void to the mortal plane, allowing a means of escape for the more cunning among them.

Dragon Blade: Capable of absorbing the souls of those it touches, the Dragon Blade is a dangerous mystical weapon, recognisable by the green glow it sometimes emanates.
Though Yen Lo had tried to use the blade against him An Ling’s father captured Yen Lo’s spirit with it, taking it and the blade through Limbo’s portal to reincarnation with him.

Dragon Charm: A Charm that is capable of warding off spirits and ghosts. It can be hung by a door to prevent these beings from entering a home, or carried to protect a person.

Dragon Warlocks: The line of Dragon Warlocks was the most feared Witch killers there were; strong enough that only the power of three could vanquish them. They possessed supernatural strength, the power to breath flame, and the ability to fly.
Prue Halliwell and her sisters vanquished the last Dragon with the power of three spell, after a granted wish resurrected her from death at his hands.

Drazi: A demon of hate. He was the cosmic opposite of Cupid. Drazi fell in love with a human woman, but Cupid redirected her love towards a mortal. Because of this Drazi wanted to kill Cupid, slowly and painfully, by destroying all the love matches he had made.
The Charmed Ones vanquished him with a potion, but the Heartbeat Ring saved him. Once it was removed Drazi became vulnerable to the potion and was destroyed.

Drazi is seemingly vanquished by The Charmed Ones    Drazi uses Cupid's ring to destroy love

Dream Sorcerer: A mortal, Whitaker Berman, who discovered the ability to invade the dreams of others. While inside the dream of another he was able to control it absolutely. When he killed people in their dreams they died in reality. Prue, with the support of her sisters, fought and killed him after he invaded her dreams.

Whitaker Berman, the Dream Sorcerer

Dr. Stone: One of the Warlocks known as the collectors. He possessed the ability to blink as well as drain information from brains using a needle like protrusion from his fingers. When not using his powers his fingers appeared as normal. He posed as a human doctor, Dr. Stone, but whether this is his true name is not known.