Eames' entry in the Book Of ShadowsEames: A cunning Warlock that plotted to leave all Witches vulnerable by eradicating Whitelighters. To this end he planned and prepared for 10 yrs, targeting specific Witches and powers to steal.
It is unclear what Eames original abilities were but he displayed an impressive array of powers: blinking, fireballs, deflection, cloning, and transmogrification; as well as the abilities of both a Darklighter and the Whitelighter Natalie.
With these abilities Eames hoped to enter the Whitelighters celestial haven, accessible only by the power to orb, and slaughter all he encountered. The Charmed Ones, and Leo, broke the Whitelighter rules and vanquished him by ambush when he arrived. They first impaled him on a Darklighter arrow, the poison of which he was now vulnerable to because of the Whitelighter powers he absorbed, and then cast the following spell to complete the vanquish:

Time for amends,
And a victim’s revenge,
Cloning power turn sour,
Power to change turn to strange,
I’m rejectin’ your deflection

The three sisters recited the first two lines together, and then Prue, Piper, and Phoebe each recited the last three lines respectively.

Eames' clone meets a fiery end    The Charmed Ones vanquish Eames    Eames screams as he is vanquished

Elemental Conjuring: Wielded by the Evil Enchantress this ability allowed the creation of a variety of weather effects at will.
The Enchantress most often preferred to cast bolts of lightning or generate gale force winds, but her power was probably not limited to these manifestations.

Emma: Sworn to avenge the death of her fiancée at the hands of a demon, Emma is a mortal with some supernatural talent. She has no powers as a Witch and cannot cast spells, but she is able to successfully scry for demons.
Mistakenly tracking the demon Sykes, Emma ultimately discovered Belthazor was responsible for her loss. It was she who cast the Power Stripping Potion on Cole Turner, finally destroying his demon half and sating her vengeance.


Empaths: Mortals that can feel human emotion. When they die they can return as Empaths, counselors, elders, or teachers; using their sensitivity to guide mortals, ease their pain, and even heal them.

Prue as an empathEmpathy: The ability to sense emotions. The empathic ability that was displayed by mortal Empaths was extremely dangerous for anyone but a born Empath. The weight of human emotions was enough to cripple the demon Vinceres, and would have killed Prue Halliwell within a day.
The ability allows access to emotions from great distances, and the power seems to increase over time once it is gained. Empaths born with the ability view it as a gift, and have no trouble controlling the power. Indeed they are able to channel it to good purposes, such as healing and comforting.
When Prue Halliwell received an empathic gift she was able to channel the ability she gained into a ‘power boost’ for her own magickal gifts. It is most likely that she was able to do this because her abilities are rooted in emotions. The magickal strength provided by the empathy gave her a furnace of supernatural power for her telekinesis and astral projection, evolving them.
Because of this Prue was able to move things farther, and with more force than usual; levitate, and perform martial maneuvers. She also possessed an expanded astral form; her astral self was able to enter a body, remain separated from Prue once she had regained consciousness, and carry Prue’s thoughts and emotions into another body, causing the target to feel all she was feeling.

Empathy Removal Spell: A spell to remove the ‘curse’ of empathy. Prue Halliwell instinctively created this spell to take the empathic ability from the demon Vinceres, whom she thought was an innocent named Vince.

Free thee empath,
Release his gift,
Let his pain be cast adrift 

Once this spell had been cast the ability of empathy was released from Vinceres.
Though the power was transferred to Prue Halliwell this was only because Vinceres established physical contact while she said the spell. It is not clear what would have happened to the empathic ability were the two not in physical contact. It is to be assumed the ability would have vanished, or been transferred back to it’s original owner, Father Thomas.

Enchanted Kingdom: The realm of Trolls and Fairies. It exists in a dimension parallel to ours, separated by a thin veil. In the “in betweens”, the spaces in between things, this veil can be breached and Trolls can enter our world. Fairies are able to enter our world at will, and are not limited to in betweens.
An in between can be something as simple as a doorway, the space between two rooms, or more abstract like midnight, the space between days, or shadows, the space between light and dark.
Children possess the ability to see the beings from the Enchanted Kingdom, but they are invisible to adults, unless fairy dust is used to make them innocent again.

Enchanting Spell: This spell is able to bestow the power to reveal evil on an object. Piper and Phoebe Halliwell used it to enchant a pair of glasses. When wearing them they were then able to see the true form of evil, no matter what guise it was hiding in, as well as evil spectral forces. To enchant an object hold it in your hands and recite these words:

Magick forces far and wide,
Enchant these so those can’t hide,
Allow this Witch to use therein,
So she can reveal the evil within

Enchantment reveals Cole's true form    Phoebe can see The Source's influence around Paige

Energy Balls: Bolts of concentrated energy. A full powered energy ball will kill any being it strikes, human, demon, or Witch, causing them to burst into flames and disintegrate. Only high-level demons, such as Belthazor, have been known to survive the impact of one. Lower powered energy balls are capable of killing without vaporizing a target, but most often will simply stun or irritate.
Rodriquez was the first evil being The Charmed Ones encountered with this power but Belthazor also possesses it, as do several other demons and Zotars.

A Warlock's stolen energy ball power    A demon conjures and energy ball

Enter Realm of Illusion, Potion To: A potion created by Phoebe Halliwell that allows those that consume it to jump from reality into the world of illusion. This potion has a counterpart for leaving the world of illusion. The contents of both potions are unknown.

Essence Bearer: Magick vials capable of capturing and storing a life essence. These vials are the only things capable of holding a life essence captive once it has escaped from a body.

Essence Bearers in the BOS

Evil Enchantress, The: One of the past life incarnations of Paige Matthews, the Evil Enchantress was a Witch in the twelfth century. She came late to her abilities and the practice of witchcraft but quickly became skilled and powerful. Undeniably the strongest Witch of her time, the Enchantress was adept at creating potent potions to achieve her goals.
The Enchantress sought to rule a kingdom, and planned to cast a love spell on him, forcing him to marry and impregnate her, after which time she could kill him and rule in his place. To pull this off she needed to wait for a sign that her powers were at their darkest, the shape of a prince in the stars. When the Enchantress saw this she locked up The Prince’s true love, Lady Julia, and cast her spell, making him love her.
Though her plan was impressive the Enchantress had not counted on the intervention of The Charmed Ones, including her future self Paige Halliwell. The sisters bound her powers preventing the dark future she envisioned from coming to be, and forcing her to live out that life as a mortal.

The Evil Enchantress    The Evil Enchantress    The Evil Enchantress

Evil, Spell To Turn Someone: A spell that was cast upon Cole Turner to return him to his former evil ways and force him to kill a Witch. The words and composition of this spell are unknown.
Phoebe Halliwell was able to create a potion that was able to undo this spells effects, and used it on Cole successfully.

Exploding: Acceleration of particles within molecules and energy, causing them to explode. This power is a growth of the stasis ability. For more information on this see: Particle Manipulation.